Chandrayaan 3: Intro, Launch, Budget, Launch Vehicle And All About Mission!


July 14, 2023

ISRO made an incredible achievement as they launched Chandrayaan-3, their third lunar exploration mission, at 2:35 pm on Friday July 14, 2023 from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, India. It’s a remarkable moment in space exploration!

Chandrayaan-3 is happening at a time when there’s a renewed fascination with lunar exploration. The United States and China are eagerly planning to send astronauts to the moon in the near future, and we can expect several robotic missions from Russia, Japan, and the United States to make their way there this year and the next. It’s an incredibly exciting time for lunar exploration, and India is joyfully joining the adventure.

Chandrayaan 3 launch view (courtesy: The Guardian)

July , 2023

The moon has always captivated humanity with its ethereal beauty and mysteries. Over the years, various missions have been launched to explore and unravel the secrets hidden within its celestial embrace. One such mission that holds immense promise is the Chandrayaan 3 mission, the third lunar exploration venture by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

India’s third lunar mission, Chandrayaan 3, is all set to embark on its exciting journey either on July 12 or July 13. The mission has an amazing plan to land on the moon’s surface in late August. Its primary goal is to achieve a successful landing of the lander and deploy a rover to conduct fascinating experiments. With a budget of ₹615 crore, this mission is going to be an incredible leap forward for India’s space exploration endeavours!

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of Chandrayaan 3 and how it aims to reveal the moon’s enchanting enigmas.


Chandrayaan 3 is an exciting mission led by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). Its main objective is to land a lander and rover in the beautiful highlands near the south pole of the Moon, and this is planned to happen around August 2023. The mission aims to demonstrate the incredible capabilities of landing and roving on the lunar surface from start to finish. Not only that, but it will also conduct a variety of scientific measurements both on the surface and from orbit, which is super cool!

Chandrayaan 3 consists of a lander/rover and a propulsion module. The lander/rover will be quite similar to the Vikram rover used in Chandrayaan 2, but with some improvements to ensure a safe landing. The propulsion module, on the other hand, will transport the lander/rover to lunar orbit and then stay there, acting as a communication relay satellite. This way, we can stay in touch with the rover while it explores the Moon.

Speaking of the rover, it’s going to be equipped with some incredible instruments. It will carry a seismometer to study moonquakes, a heat flow experiment to understand the Moon’s thermal characteristics, and a set of spectrometers to analyze the composition of the lunar surface. So, Chandrayaan 3 is set to bring us fascinating insights and data from our lunar neighbor!

Background of Chandrayaan 3 Mission

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) put their hearts into designing the Chandrayaan 2 mission. It was an ambitious endeavor that involved sending the Chandrayaan 2 spacecraft, which consisted of an orbiter, rover, and lander, to explore the Moon. They chose the mighty GSLV-Mk 3, one of their most powerful geosynchronous vehicles, to launch this spacecraft into space.

Unfortunately, during the mission, the lander named Vikram encountered a hiccup and wasn’t able to make a soft landing on the lunar surface. This setback prevented the rover called Pragyaan from embarking on its journey across the Moon. However, this experience didn’t discourage the Indian space enthusiasts. Instead, it motivated them to undertake another mission, one that would demonstrate India’s landing capabilities, a crucial aspect for future Lunar Polar Exploration.

In an exciting collaboration with Japan, India is planning a joint mission to the Moon’s south pole in 2024. India will contribute a lander while Japan will provide a rover and launcher. This partnership will bring together the expertise of both countries to further explore and unlock the mysteries of the lunar south pole. It’s going to be an amazing venture showcasing international cooperation in space exploration!

Chandrayaan 3 Spacecraft Feature

Chandrayaan 3 is all set to embark on its journey to outer space, equipped with a rover and lander. Unlike Chandrayaan 2, this mission won’t include an orbiter. The main focus of this exploration is to study the Moon’s surface, especially areas that have been in shadow for billions of years. Scientists and astronomers are particularly interested in uncovering possible ice and abundant mineral deposits in these darker regions.

But the mission doesn’t stop at the surface! It also aims to investigate the sub-surface and exosphere of the Moon. To facilitate communication with Earth, the rover will rely on an orbiter borrowed from Chandrayaan 2.

In its quest to gather valuable data, the spacecraft’s rover will capture detailed images from a distance of 100 km above the lunar orbit. This exciting mission promises to unlock fascinating secrets and expand our understanding of our lunar neighbor.

The Importance of Moon Exploration for Scientists

  • The Moon serves as a testing ground for space technologies and allows us to explore extraterrestrial territories.
  • Lunar exploration advances technologies, inspires scientists, and promotes international collaborations.
  • Studying the Moon provides insights into the history of our solar system and primitive Earth.


Chandrayaan 3 Launch Date And Time

(Photo: Isro)

After going through a series of trials and errors, it’s finally time for the much-anticipated launch of Chandrayaan 3! The exciting news is coming straight from New Delhi, courtesy of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), and the big day is set to be July 14th. Initially, everyone had their eyes on a possible launch on July 12th, but plans have slightly shifted. So, mark your calendars for 2:30 PM IST, because that’s when the magic is going to happen! This awesome announcement was just made recently on a Wednesday, adding to the excitement surrounding this incredible mission.

Now it is confirmed! The vehicle is ready for launch. Testing and amendments are complete. Excitement fills the Chandrayaan 3 team, ISRO, and the citizens of India. Let’s go!


Chandrayaan 3 Launch Site

India’s space exploration program is about to take a giant leap forward with its third attempt to reach the Moon. The crucial information we have is that the launch will take place at the Satish Dhawan Space Center, located in Sriharikota, India. For this mission, the vehicle of choice is the GSLV (Mark 3), a heavy-lift launch vehicle specially designed to support a soft landing on the moon. Excitingly, visitors will have the opportunity to witness the launch live, as the authorities have made arrangements for media and press coverage. Additionally, the launch will be broadcasted live on various news and entertainment channels, so everyone can join in on the excitement!


Chandrayaan 3 Launch overview

  • Mission: Chandrayaan 3
  • Chandrayaan 3 Launch Date: 14 July 2023
  • Operated by: Indian Space Research Organization
  • Rocket: Launch Vehicle Mark 3
  • Bus: Chandrayaan
  • Mission type: Lander, rover and Propulsion
  • Payload mass: Propulsion module and Rover Module
  • Landing date: 23 August 2023
  • Spacecraft component: Rover
  • Landing site: Lunar South pole
  • Launch site: Satish Dhawan Space Center
  • Final Budget: 650 Cr. (INR)
  • Website:


Chandrayaan 3 Launch Vehicle & Weight

  • According to the most recent reports, cooperation with Japan has been established to ensure a secure landing on the moon’s surface.
  • The Launch Vehicle Mark 3 utilized in LVM is the vehicle that contains the Lander, Rover, and Orbiter.
  • Propulsion Module: 2148 kg , Lander Module: 1752 kg including Rover of 26 kg
    Total: 3900 kg
  • If the weight exceeds this, problems may arise and the structure may be destroyed. The scientists are not taking any chances this time due to the failure of the second mission.


Difference between  Chandrayaan 2 and Chandrayaan 3

  1. Launch Vehicle: The major difference lies in the launch vehicle used. Chandrayaan 2 was launched using the Vikram Rover, while Chandrayaan 3 will be launched with the powerful LKV Rocket 3.
  2. Camera Upgrades: Chandrayaan 3 boasts an improvement in camera technology compared to its predecessor. While Chandrayaan 2 had only one camera, Chandrayaan 3 is equipped with two cameras, including specialized hazard detection and avoidance cameras on the lander.
  3. Instrumentation: Another difference between the two missions is the number of built-in instruments. Chandrayaan 2 had nine different instruments, while Chandrayaan 3 focuses on a single instrument called the Spectro polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth.
  4. Learnings from Chandrayaan 2: After the setbacks faced during Chandrayaan 2, ISRO has implemented significant changes in Chandrayaan 3. These modifications are aimed at enhancing the mission’s success and ensuring the smooth execution of its objectives.

With these improvements and lessons learned, Chandrayaan 3 represents an exciting step forward in India’s lunar exploration journey.

Mission Chandrayaan 3 updates to be continue….

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the launch date of Chandrayaan 3?

Launch Date 13 July 2023.

Q2. What is the status of Chandrayaan 3?

 Excitingly, the awaited special project of ISRO, Chandrayaan 3, is now prepared for its launch on the Moon’s surface. All required planning has been successfully finished.

Q3. What is the Chandrayaan 3 Budget?

 Chandrayaan 3 has made with a budget of 615 Crores.

Q4. Is Chandrayaan 3 different from Chandrayaan 2?

The current lander for the Chandrayaan-3 mission has undergone significant modifications compared to its predecessor used in the Chandrayaan-2 mission.

Q5. From where will Chandrayaan 3 be launched?

Chandrayaan 3 will be launched from Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota.


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